Key Places to Install Fire Extinguishers

The average house and workplace contains many types of materials that are combustible. This makes it possible for a fire to spread very quickly, making it vital to have portable fire extinguishers positioned in carefully placed locations for quick and easy access. At Getz Fire Equipment Company, we are your premier fire protection service company, offering exceptional quality fire extinguisher services.

Some of the key places to place a fire extinguisher within a home or office space include:

Close to Heat Sources

Heating equipment causes a large percentage of fires each year. Regardless of whether the source is a portable heater, permanently installed heater, chimney and fireplace, or pellet stove; it is important in have extinguishers positioned within close proximity to any heating equipment. Also make sure to position extinguishers within a safe distance away from the heat source, in order to prevent any potential damage.

The Kitchen

One of the more obvious places, fire extinguishers should always be placed in the kitchen within a home or business. Cooking equipment is a top cause of structure fires and associated injuries. A large percentage of home structure fires and injuries involve cooking equipment.

On Each Floor

Whether a commercial building or residential home, it is important to have at least one fire extinguisher on every floor, including the attic and basement. Fires can begin in unexpected areas and caused by unattended candles, faulty wiring, and more. A quick response to a fire is possible if the fire extinguisher is positioned on the same floor it is needed and can be accessed within seconds.

The Garage

Sheds, workshops, and garages usually contain a considerable amount of combustible material and items, such as oils, gas cans, and cleaning products. It is important to have a fire extinguisher within close vicinity in the garage, particularly if you often work with tools. The fire extinguishers placed in garages should be labeled for flammable liquids.

For information about the fire extinguisher products and services we offer at Getz Fire Equipment Co., call us today at 800.747.3473 or complete our contact form.