Different Types of Fire Extinguishers & Their Uses

Fire extinguishers are critical components of safety and prevention in any environment, from residential to commercial and industrial settings. Recognizing this, Getz Fire Equipment Company has dedicated itself since 1957 to providing top-tier fire protection solutions, ensuring that clients have access to the highest quality fire extinguishers and services. Understanding the diverse types of fire extinguishers and their specific uses is essential for effective fire safety management.

Understanding Fire Extinguishers

The operation of fire extinguishers is based on simple yet vital principles, designed to combat fires quickly and efficiently. However, the effectiveness of fire extinguishing largely depends on choosing the correct type of extinguisher, as different fires require different extinguishing agents.

Classification of Fires

Fires are classified into five main categories—Class A, B, C, D, and K—each representing the type of fuel involved. This classification is crucial because it determines the most effective extinguishing method to use in a given scenario.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

Water and Foam Extinguishers

These extinguishers are most effective against Class A fires, which involve ordinary combustibles like wood and paper. The water or foam works by cooling the fire, thus extinguishing it.

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers

Ideal for Class B and C fires, which involve flammable liquids or electrical equipment, carbon dioxide extinguishers eliminate the oxygen surrounding the fire and cool the fuel.

Dry Chemical Extinguishers

Available in standard and multi-purpose formulations, dry chemical extinguishers are versatile, capable of addressing Class A, B, and C fires by interrupting the chemical reaction of the fire.

Wet Chemical Extinguishers

Designed specifically for Class K fires commonly found in kitchens, wet chemical extinguishers work by creating a soap-like solution that cools and smothers the fire.

Clean Agent Extinguishers

Containing Halotron, FE-36, and other clean agents, these extinguishers are suitable for sensitive equipment and materials, effectively extinguishing Class B, C, and sometimes A fires without leaving residue.

Dry Powder Extinguishers

These are specialized for Class D fires, typically involving combustible metals. Dry powder extinguishers smother the fire by isolating the fuel from oxygen.

Water Mist Extinguishers

Utilizing a fine mist, these extinguishers are a safe choice for a variety of fires, including those involving electrical equipment, as the mist conducts electricity minimally.

Foam Extinguishers

Foam extinguishers are effective against fires involving liquids, such as oils and alcohols, by forming a barrier between the fuel and the air.

Cartridge Operated Extinguishers

These extinguishers use a cartridge system, offering advantages in reliability and effectiveness across various fire classes, depending on the extinguishing agent used.

Selecting the Right Fire Extinguisher

Choosing the right fire extinguisher involves considering the potential fire classes, the environment, and the materials being protected. Professional guidance from experts like those at Getz Fire Equipment Company is invaluable in making the correct selection.

Fire Extinguisher Maintenance and Training

Regular maintenance and training are indispensable for ensuring fire extinguishers remain operational and effective. Understanding how to use these devices correctly can significantly impact the outcome of a fire emergency.


Fire extinguishers play a pivotal role in safety, and understanding the different types and their uses is critical. Getz Fire Equipment Company stands ready to assist with selecting, maintaining, and training for the use of fire extinguishers, continuing our long-standing tradition of excellence in fire protection.